Product Management Interface v.11

The tool to search, select and mass update product templates


The tool does not require extra dependencies beside standard Odoo apps.
Current version:

This is an Odoo product management tool aims to improve catalog administration and to simplify implementation of changes. The app introduces the innovative interface to search, to analyze, to select, and to mass edit Odoo product templates. The tool consists of the core module and four extra optional add-ons:
  1. Product Management Interface - the core app. It might be used stand-alone as a system to find, pick up, and update basic product fields. The price is 92 Euro
  2. Product Management Interface: e-Commerce - the optional module, which introduces mass products actions to change E-shop related attributes. The features assumed by this add-on are marked by the icon . The price is 10 Euro
  3. Product Management Interface: Warehouse - the optional module to update in batch warehouse characteristics of product templates. The features assumed by this add-on are marked by the icon . The price is 10 Euro
  4. Product Management Interface: Accounting - the optional module to manage accounting traits of products in bulk. The features assumed by this add-on are marked by the icon . The price is 10 Euro
  5. Product Management Interface: Purchases - the optional module offering mass actions on purchase columns of products. The features assumed by this add-on are marked by the icon . The price is 10 Euro

Structure products by categories just through ticking check boxes. The tool let you select one or multiple ones, choose only parent category or all children recursively

Systematize product templates by available attributes values. Now it is not a trouble to select all templates which might be both white and metal

New Navigate by E-commerce categories to search products from E-shop perspective

Apply standard product filters using Odoo regular search to narrow results

Choose an unlimited number of products step by step. A current selection is not spoilt with a new search or when you opened a record. You may also select all products found by you criteria (not only ones displayed on a current page)

Configure the list of mass actions through selecting among multiple ones offered by the tool. Look for the whole list at the section Mass Actions List

Execute any of chosen multiple mass actions and observe results in real-time. New you might define by your own which product fields should be shown on a kanban card in addition to standard columns

The interface is available for any user which has rights for products (e.g. sales, warehouse or purchase manager) and who has the group 'Product manager' assigned. Configuration might be done only by the group Administration / Settings

The tool supports multiple click events. To open a product form - click on a image area, to select an item for mass update – click on any other area of this Kanban card

Mass Actions List

Mass actions are operations which might be proceeded for a number of products in batch. The tool offers multiple actions, among which you can select required ones.
  • Archive products in bulk
  • Restore selected products which have been previously archived
  • Change product category of all selected items
  • Add / remove an attribute value to all found templates
  • Export chosen items (the setting 'Export products' should be turned on)
  • Mass edit product type (consumable, service, storable)
  • Publish or unpublish products in batch
  • Update products to be saleable / not saleable
  • Update products to be purchasable / not purchasable
  • Add / remove public E-shop categories of selected templates
  • Add / remove products' alternatives
  • Add / remove products' accessories
  • Assign a new vendor to product templates in bulk and make this supplier the most prioritized
  • Add / remove logistic routes
  • Modify invoice policy ('Ordered quantities', 'Delivered quantities')
  • Duplicate a few product templates simultaneously
  • Add / remove customer taxes
  • Add / remove vendor taxes
  • Subscribe to / unsubscribe from products' discussions
  • Add / remove templates' followers
  • Update purchase method ('On ordered quantities', 'On received quantities')
  • Update tracking method
  • Change price difference account
  • Change income account of products
  • Change expense account of templates
  • Change inventory location
  • Change production location

Beside the list above you can also prepare your own mass actions. Look at the configuration tab.

Take into account that update of high number of product templates (e.g. 1000) might take significant time. In such a case you should increase your Odoo configuration timeouts. Besides, some operations might be impossible in Odoo: for instance, creating of more than 1000 variants for a single template.

Mass actions

Bulk actions for products templates are based on Odoo server actions. It means that you can prepare your own custom mass editing operations. Take into account the following peculiarities:
  • As the model always use 'Product Template'. Otherwise you action would not be displayed in the list of operations
  • In case you want to return a wizard, such a wizard should not have a footer (only standard buttons) and should have an explicitly specified view_id. Look for examples in any module of the Product Management Bundle

Example of custom mass action

Odoo server action for product templates

Installation Tips

In order the widget works correctly, re-start Odoo server. If you faced the error 'Qweb2: Template is not found': restart Odoo server > refresh the page (Ctrl+Shift+R)

Bug reporting

In case you have faced any bugs or inconsistent behavior, do not hesitate to contact us. We guarantee to provide fixes within 60 days after the purchase, while even after this period we are strongly interested to improve our tools.

No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.

Please include in your request as many details as possible: screenshots, Odoo server logs, a full description of how to reproduce your problem, and so on. Usually, it takes a few business days to prepare a working plan for an issue (if a bug is confirmed) or provide you with guidelines on what should be done (otherwise).

Public features requests and module ideas (free development)

We are strongly motivated to improve our tools and would be grateful for any sort of feedback. In case your requirements are of public use and might be efficiently implemented, the team would include those in our to-do list.

Such a to-do list is processed on a regular basis and does not assume extra fees. Although we cannot promise deadlines and final design, it might be a good way to get desired features without investments and risks.

No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.

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