CRM Check List and Approval Process v.11
The tool to make sure required jobs are carefully done on this pipeline stage
Check lists are assigned per each opportunity stage. Set of check list points is up to you. Check list fulfilment is shown on opportunities' kanban and form views to easily control progress
As soon as an opportunity is moved to a certain stage, its check list is updated to a topical one from this stage. For instance, actions for 'new' and 'proposition' stages must be different, don't they?
To move a CRM lead forward in your funnel, a check list should be fully confirmed. By 'moving forward' any change of stage with lesser sequence to a bigger sequence is implied
Confirmation might assume involvement of different user roles. Certain check list points might be approved only by top-level employees, for example. In such a case just assign a user group for this check list item
Check list actions are saved in the opportunity history. In case a lead is moved back, already done check list items would be recovered. However, in case the 'not saved' option is set for the item up, the point should be approved each time from scratch
The tool let you grant users with the super check list rights right on a user form. In such a case, such users are able (a) to confirm any check points disregarding defined user groups; (b) move any opportunity further without fulfilling check lists
For some situations you do not need a check list fulfilment even a new stage is further. For example, for the 'Cancelled' stage. In such a case just mark this stage as 'No need for checklist'
Bug reporting
In case you have faced any bugs or inconsistent behavior, do not hesitate to contact us. We guarantee to provide fixes within 60 days after the purchase, while even after this period we are strongly interested to improve our tools.
No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.
Please include in your request as many details as possible: screenshots, Odoo server logs, a full description of how to reproduce your problem, and so on. Usually, it takes a few business days to prepare a working plan for an issue (if a bug is confirmed) or provide you with guidelines on what should be done (otherwise).
Public features requests and module ideas (free development)
We are strongly motivated to improve our tools and would be grateful for any sort of feedback. In case your requirements are of public use and might be efficiently implemented, the team would include those in our to-do list.
Such a to-do list is processed on a regular basis and does not assume extra fees. Although we cannot promise deadlines and final design, it might be a good way to get desired features without investments and risks.
No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.
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