About Products Management Interface
Products Management Interface is an Odoo app, that helps to improve catalog administration and to simplify the implementation of changes. The app introduces an innovative interface to search, analyze, select, and mass edit Odoo product templates.
Filter products by the hierarchy of categories and tags: select one or a few. Systematize products by attributes: e.g. find products, which are both white and made of metal. You can also filter products by the e-shop categories ().
Create and manage categories, attributes and attribute values, e-categories (), and tags right from the product management interface. Drag and drop products to a category, attribute value, e-category, and tag to assign it to all chosen products.
Sort product templates by name, reference, category, type, and price. Apply to standard Odoo search. Click on an image to open a product form; on the card - add it for selection.
Pick products up step by step: the selection is not cleared with a new search or after you've opened a record. Proceed mass action(s) for all chosen templates.
Define which mass operations are available from a predefined list or prepare your own server actions. Just a few clicks to update the category, add attribute values, withdraw from sales, change price, etc.
Add any product template fields for kanban cards for an instant overview.
Assign any user who has rights for products (e.g. sales, warehouse, or purchase manager) the special role of 'Product manager' to access the products' interface.
Convenient navigation and interface
Configurable list of mass actions
Efficient multi-selection and mass update
Secured interface and actions
Add-ons icons
Features introduced by add-ons are marked by these signs:
Product Management Interface: e-Commerce
The optional module introduces mass product actions to change E-shop-related attributes.
Product Management Interface: Warehouse
The optional module to update batch warehouse characteristics of product templates.
Product Management Interface: Accounting
The optional module to manage accounting traits of products in bulk.
Product Management Interface: Purchases
The optional module offers mass actions on purchase columns of products.
Products Management Interface
The innovative single-view interface is implemented in the module. This allows you to see product details and perform a mass action from the same entry, without opening product templates. The interface has 3 functional areas: the main part with products in the middle and two functional parts with sets of control elements on the sides of it.
The left navigation panel lets sort products according to various criteria, select all found products, and filter products by categories, attributes, e-commerce categories (), and Odoo product tags.
You can sort products by name, category, product type, internal reference, and basic sale price. If you click on the 'Arrow' icon on the right side of the sorting criteria, then the sorting will be reversed.
To sort products:
1. Open Product Management Interface
2. Choose the sorting criterion
3. Click on the 'Arrows' sign to see the reversed sorting
You can filter products by categories. To see all products of one or several categories just put a tick in the box by them. Categories have a hierarchy: if you choose a parent category, you will see products in the children categories as well. You can choose different variations of them.
If you tick two categories, then you will see the product templates, which relate to the first OR the second category. For example, if you filter by the category 'Consumable' and then also add the filtering option by the category 'Expenses', then the product templates related to ANY of these categories will be shown.
Categories have a hierarchy. You can set a parent category and some subcategories while editing or creating a category, or simply by drag and drop. The order of the parent and child categories is defined alphabetically (by the name).
If a child category is selected, its parents will be hierarchically highlighted by the border of dots around the name of the element. Thus, it is always clear that some choice has been made somewhere (even if the structure itself is closed).
Apart from the standard way of creating a category, it is possible to create and edit categories right from the product management interface. To add a new category through the interface click '...add' and write the title. Right-click on a category to see all available actions:
1. Create (click to start creating a child category)
2. Rename (click to change the category's name)
3. Edit (click to edit a category).
To create and edit categories users should have rights to create products.
You can assign/change a category of a product in the field 'Product Category' as you create, or edit a product. You can also quickly change the category of all selected products by dragging and dropping them to the required one.

Also, you can filter products by attributes. Unlike categories, when you choose two different product template attributes, then only the products, that have BOTH chosen attributes are shown. For example, you filter by the attribute 'Color' - 'White' and also by the attribute - 1 year ('Duration'). Then only product templates of the white color with a 3-year warranty will be shown.
If you select 2 values of one attribute, then the product templates, which relate to ANY of those will be shown. For example, we have different values (Steel, Aluminium, Custom) for the attribute 'Legs'.
If we select several or all values within the attribute 'Legs', we will see all the product templates related to each of the chosen values.
As you filter products by attributes, only products, that have the attribute assigned are shown, even if the related attribute values aren't chosen.
Attributes have a flat hierarchy, so it isn't possible to add child attributes to attributes, or child attribute values to attribute values, etc. You can change the order of the attributes and attribute values, or change the attribute of a particular attribute value simply by drag and drop.
If an attribute value is selected, the related attribute will be hierarchically highlighted by the border of dots around the name of the element. Thus, it is always clear that some choice has been made somewhere (even if the structure itself is closed).
Apart from the standard way of creating an attribute, it is possible to create and edit attributes right from the product management interface. To add a new attribute through the interface click '...add' and write the title. Right-click on an attribute to see all available actions:
1. Create (click to start creating a new attribute value)
2. Rename (click to change the attribute's name)
3. Edit (click to edit an attribute).
To create and edit attributes and attribute values users should have rights to create products.
You can add/change attributes and attribute values of a product in the tab 'Attributes & Variants' as you create, or edit a product. You can also quickly add the attribute value to all selected products by dragging and dropping them to the required one.

You can also filter products by e-commerce categories (). To see all products of one or several e-categories just put a tick in the box by them. E-categories also have a hierarchy: if you choose a parent e-category, you will see products in the child e-categories as well.
If you filter by several e-categories, then product templates are also shown, if they relate to ANY of the chosen ones.
If a product relates to two different e-commerce categories and only one of them is chosen, then this product template will be shown anyway.
If you filter product templates both by a category and an e-category. Then, only products, which relate to BOTH will be shown. For example, let's filter by the e-categories 'Chairs' and 'Boxes'. All products related to ANY of these e-categories will be shown. Let's also add the category 'Expenses'. Here, we will not see any product templates, as there are no products that relate to both: a category and one of the e-categories.
E-categories have a hierarchy. You can set a parent e-category and some sub-categories while editing or creating an e-category, or simply by drag and drop. It is also possible to change the order of the parent and child e-categories by drag and drop.
If a child e-category is selected, its parents will be hierarchically highlighted by the border of dots around the name of the element. Thus, it is always clear that some choice has been made somewhere (even if the structure itself is closed).
It is possible to create and edit e-categories right from the product management interface. To add a new e-category through the interface click '...add' and write the title. Right-click on an e-category to see all available actions:
1. Create (click to start creating a child e-category)
2. Rename (click to change the e-category's name)
3. Edit (click to edit an e-category)
To create and edit e-categories users should have the right Sales/Administrator.
You can assign/add an e-category of a product in the field 'Categories' as you create, or edit a product. You can also quickly assign/add the e-category to all selected products by dragging and dropping them to the required one.

You can also filter products by the existing Odoo product tags. If you choose several tags, then the products that relate to either of the tags will be shown.
If you filter products by a tag and a category/e-category or an attribute, then only those that match both will be shown. For example, if we filter by the tag 'Best Seller' and e-commerce category 'Chairs', then only the products that match both will be shown.
Apart from the standard way of creating a tag, it is possible to create and edit tags right from the product management interface. To add a new tag through the interface click '...add' and write the title. Optionally, change the order of tags by drag and drop. Right-click on a tag to see all available actions:
1. Rename (click to change the tag's name)
2. Edit (click to edit a tag).
To create and edit tags through the interface users should have rights to create products.
You can add a tag to a product in the field 'Product Template Tags' as you create, or edit a product. You can also quickly add a tag to all selected products by dragging and dropping them to the required one.

Simultaneously, you can search for products with the help of the search bar at the right top of the page. The standard searching criteria are available, for example, you can search products by their category or title.
For extra convenience, above the categories/attributes/e-commerce categories/tags, special search bars were introduced. Just start typing the word and click 'Enter' or the search button and the matching results will be shown and marked red. Click the button 'Reset' on the right side of the search bar to empty the search.

You can combine filtering by attributes and searching by attributes. In this case, you will also see only those product templates, which match both of the attribute values. For example, you filter by the attribute 'Class' - A and search by the attribute - steel ('Legs'). Then only product templates of the A class with legs made of steel will be shown.

If you choose a child category, attribute, or e-commerce option, then all parents in the hierarchy will be outlined. This way it is always clear, when there are some limitations applied, even if the structure is hidden. The outline is shown only in case the parent element itself is not chosen.
The main part of the interface shows the product templates list. On a product template card, you will find the product's name and picture, its category, type, and price.
You may also find some of the product template's characteristics. For example, 'Can be sold', 'Can be purchased', and 'Website published'.
The list of the fields on the product's template might be changed according to the installed modules. For example, the product's stock 'On Hand' will be shown only if you have the extension 'Stock by Locations' installed.
Any field on the product template can be also manually added to the kanban view for an instant overview. For that:
1. Open the 'Products Management Interface' and go to Configuration
2. Scroll down the page and find the section 'Kanban Fields'
3. Click 'Add a line'
4. Choose the fields and click 'Select'
5. Click 'Save'
To delete a field, that you no longer need, after adding, you can click on the cross on the right side by the field.

If you click on a product's picture, then a product's template will be opened.
Tick a checkbox in the top right corner of a product or click anywhere on a product card (except the image) to choose it and open the right navigation panel.
Choose an unlimited number of products step by step. When you switch between filters or apply a new search, the selection will not be cleared and that is very convenient when you want to search, open, update, or do another mass action on various products at once.

As you choose some products, the right navigation menu appears. There, you will find the list of selected products and the list of available mass actions for products (see Managing Mass Actions). Click on a product's title, in the right functional interface, to remove it from the list. Remove all products by clicking on the icon () on the right side of 'Selected products'.

Managing Mass Actions
The product management Interface allows applying mass actions to all chosen product templates in a batch. Our module and its add-ons offer a list of mass actions, among which you can choose the ones you need. The full list of available mass actions you can see in the articles: 'Product Management Basic Mass Actions', 'Product Management Interface: e-Commerce', 'Product Management Interface: Warehouse', 'Product Management Interface: Accounting', 'Product Management Interface: Purchases'.
You can select the mass actions to show only the ones that you need. To add a mass action:
1. Open the product management app and go to Configuration
2. Find the section 'Mass actions'
3. Click 'Add a line'
4. Choose mass actions by ticking the box by the action
5. Click 'Select'
6. Click 'Save'
After saving the changes in settings, the list of mass actions in the right navigation panel will be updated.
To add the mass action 'Export', in Configuration, in the section Product Management Options tick the option 'Export'.

Besides the available ones, you can also prepare your own server actions and then choose them as mass actions (see Custom Mass Editing Operations).
In the list of available for selection mass actions, you will also find some standard Odoo Server Actions for product templates. For example, the Manufacturing module adds the action 'Generate Pricelist Report', which is also detected by our module and can be added to the right navigation panel for managing product templates in a batch.
To delete a mass action, that you don't need from the list go to Configuration and find the section 'Mass Actions'. Click on a cross by the mass actions, that you don't need. Then, click 'Save' in the top left corner of the page. The mass action will not be deleted from the system, they will just be hidden from the list. Thus, later, if you need this action, you will be able to select it again.
Product Management Basic Mass Actions
The list of the mass actions of the Product Management Interface includes:
Click to add or remove attribute values to all found templates. In the field 'Add attribute value' choose the one you want to add to all of the products and in the field 'Remove attribute value' choose the one, that you want to remove.
Click to change Odoo product category of all selected products. Choose the category in the field 'New category'.