About Private thread

Private thread is an Odoo app that allows users to send messages only to chosen participants. Thus, you might safely discuss confidential issues, it is especially important when external partners follow discussions, and you need to keep confidentiality.

This Odoo tool aims to achieve the goal by letting users select who are end message recipients. In such a way no excess emails are sent, while information is safely delivered only for required parties. Email notifications would also include a warning that a message is internal to avoid confusion. Replies for private messages also remain private.

Private messages are kept in the Odoo backend thread for history, but they are not available for portal users

With the Private thread you will be able to:

No interruption of Odoo followers  


Private email discussion 

Confidential communication  


Any Odoo business area 

How to write a private message

In order to send an internal message tick the box 'Send private' when you compose an email. Such a message would be sent only for chosen recipients, and would not interrupt any other followers. Private messages are kept in the Odoo backend thread for history, but they are not available for portal users. Thus, you might safely discuss confidential issues. Email notifications would also include a warning that a message is internal to avoid confusion. Replies for private messages also remain private.
How to send a message privately:

1. Open any documents' thread

2. Open the message interface

3. Put a tick next to 'Send private'

4. Delete or add recipients

5. Write a message

6. Click 'Send'

Visibility of private messages

The app works for all Odoo objects: sale orders, tasks,  invoices, opportunities... Besides, any type of message might be sent privately: not only simple emails but also system templates. For example, the app lets you send a quotation report for a manager's approval before forwarding it to a customer.

The module doesn't hide the messages from internal conversation's followers, to avoid confusion, but the notification about a new message comes only to chosen recipients with a mark that it is private. This way you can solve all questions in private without bothering all conversation's followers while saving the conversation's logic.

Private messages are NOT visible for portal users. Therefore, the messages are confidential and hidden from your partners (clients, vendors, etc.).

Private thread: Invoices

Private thread: Invoices is a free Odoo add-on that guarantees private invoice sending, before sharing it with the customer. For instance, with this extension, you would be able to send an invoice to the head accountant confidentially for confirmation. The tool adds the 'Send private' checkbox and related features for the email composer available through the invoice button 'Send and print'.

How to send an invoice privately:

1. Open Invoicing app

2. Open any invoice, that you want to send privately

3. Click 'Send&Print'

4. Put a tick next to 'Send private'

5. Delete or add recipients

6. Edit or write a message

7. Click 'Send&Print'

The extension is developed as a separate tool for the Odoo users who use the app 'Invoicing'. If you don't use the latter, avoid installing the module. Otherwise, the app 'Invoicing' and all its dependencies would be deployed to your Odoo instance.