Lost Messages Routing v.12
The tool to make sure you do not loose any incoming messages
No messages are lost
You may also configure Odoo to send a notification by each lost message to manage them in real time. Go to the Odoo general settings > Email Section and check the box 'Lost messages notification'. Then choose users which should be notified.
The features are available for users with rights for administration settings (Administration/Settings). Take into account that this module make all unattached messages available for the group Administration/Settings (like this user is a SuperUser).
All lost messages are combined in a single list

Lost messages are simply distinguishable and are easy to address

Responsible users optionally received notification by new lost messages

Configure to be notified of new lost messages

Simple addressing of lost messages
- Open any lost message and decide where such a message should be forwarded. To this end press the button 'Route manual'.
- In the pop-up wizard select a required document type (e.g. a contact or an opportunity), and a target document (e.g. 'Agrolait' or 'Prospect for 1000 Pcs'). Here Odoo restricts users' selection to viable ones which have a real message thread.
- As soon as you press the button 'Attach Message', Odoo would route a message to the chosen document.
Routing a message is fast and simple

Routing results in a target model thread

Not only lost messages
Already attached messages might be re-routed

Amazing App and fantastic support
I bought the addon for v10. At the beginnig the addon did not work well. Then I requested an improvement feature, they did it in just A FEW HOURS. I am very happy, the addon is working perfectly, is just what I was looking for. Very excelent support Thanks a lot Odoo Tools Team
A must have
With the help of this app you will never lose any messages again. We are very happy with the functionality and also with the responsive and quick support! They take our ideas and wishes serious. This is the way it should! Thumbs up!
Awesome app! MUST BUY if you use Odoo!!!
The app helped us alot. Some our customers send us an email and got lost in the process. with Lost messages routing the messages got stored and we can place the mail into the correct corresponding process. plus excellent support from Odoo Tools with adding a new feature to send an e-mail to selected users whenever a lost message is found. 10/10!!
It works very well
It is very useful, it helps us to efficiently serve our customers.
Bug reporting
In case you have faced any bugs or inconsistent behavior, do not hesitate to contact us. We guarantee to provide fixes within 60 days after the purchase, while even after this period we are strongly interested to improve our tools.
No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.
Please include in your request as many details as possible: screenshots, Odoo server logs, a full description of how to reproduce your problem, and so on. Usually, it takes a few business days to prepare a working plan for an issue (if a bug is confirmed) or provide you with guidelines on what should be done (otherwise).
Public features requests and module ideas (free development)
We are strongly motivated to improve our tools and would be grateful for any sort of feedback. In case your requirements are of public use and might be efficiently implemented, the team would include those in our to-do list.
Such a to-do list is processed on a regular basis and does not assume extra fees. Although we cannot promise deadlines and final design, it might be a good way to get desired features without investments and risks.
No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.
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