Stock Items Screening v.11
Warehouse manager helper to add products to pickings in a few clicks. Quick and comfortable
It is really fast: it takes a few seconds to find the only required among thousands of product variants. Save time and nerves!
- Push the button 'Select products' on a stock picking header to start screening. The button is available until moves are editable
- Only viable product fields and product attributes are included into the search by your own. Observe the 'Simple configuration' section
- As soon as you enter a new criteria, all many2one fields and product attributes would not let you choose values which lead to zero results. It significantly increases comfortability and speed of selection
- You can see the number of found products in a real time on the special 'Show' button
- As soon the search leads to a few feasible results, just push 'Show' and find products in a temporary results' table (the tab 'Found products'). Select any and press 'Add' to add it to the final products' table (the tab 'To add'), or firstly observe accessories and alternatives
- Search products as many times as you need to, define required quantity, then add them all to a picking at once
- Clear all filters with a single button "Reset" click, and start the search from scratch. The table 'To add' would not be cleared
- The Screening if fully optimized using SQL operators in order to avoid slowdowns. It is in dozens times faster then standard Odoo tree view search
- Results are not shown each time you enter criteria to avoid picturing slowdowns. Simultaneously you might see the number of found products on the button 'Show'
- Search filters of attributes and many2one fields are restricted according to the previously chosen filters. It let you select only feasible options.
The search is tested on 30,000 SKUs, and provides results in seconds
- Check stocks in a warehouse or location. This is the extra feature provided by the app 'Stocks by locations'
- Click on a line of found products to learn who supply a product
- Right in the found products table: learn costs and sale prices
- Click on a line of found products to observe all possible descriptions (internal, purchase, sale) to make a rational choice
- Already chosen goods are marked blue in new searches
- Have you found a required product? Are you sure, that no accessories are needed in a destination location? No problems: observe them in a single click. Your colleagues would be grateful.
- Push "Alternatives" to offer substitutes for a request from another location.
- If you don't require accessories and alternatives, just turn them off in the app's settings.
- As a filter you may add any product attribute. Just put the flag 'Stock Selection'. See the warehouse settings. Attributes appear in the search wizard in the same order as they are there
- Assign any product fields for the Screening (do not forget to put 'Stock Selection'). Order of parameters are shown according to the 'Sequence' field. All fields of the following types are available for options (including custom ones):
- Boolean, Selection, Many2one fields. '=' and '!=' operators are of use. For many2one: '=' supports hierarchy. So when, you are searching for a category, all products of this category and of its child categories are found
- Integer, Float, Date and Datetime fields. '=', '!=', '<', '>' operators work.
- Char fields. Use the operators '=', '!=' and 'ilike'. The latter one let you find similar names
- Change attributes and fields of the Screening as soon as you decided. Just few clicks!
- Warehouse managers are allowed to make configurations. No technical knowledge is needed
Bug reporting
In case you have faced any bugs or inconsistent behavior, do not hesitate to contact us. We guarantee to provide fixes within 60 days after the purchase, while even after this period we are strongly interested to improve our tools.
No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.
Please include in your request as many details as possible: screenshots, Odoo server logs, a full description of how to reproduce your problem, and so on. Usually, it takes a few business days to prepare a working plan for an issue (if a bug is confirmed) or provide you with guidelines on what should be done (otherwise).
Public features requests and module ideas (free development)
We are strongly motivated to improve our tools and would be grateful for any sort of feedback. In case your requirements are of public use and might be efficiently implemented, the team would include those in our to-do list.
Such a to-do list is processed on a regular basis and does not assume extra fees. Although we cannot promise deadlines and final design, it might be a good way to get desired features without investments and risks.
No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.
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