OneDrive / SharePoint Odoo Integration v.10

The tool to automatically synchronize Odoo attachments with OneDrive files in both ways

394€ 354€

The price is valid till November, 15 (according to the promo campaign October-November 2024).
The price already includes all necessary dependencies = 149 134€ (own price) + 245 220€ (Cloud Storage Solutions) .
Current version:

Odoo document system is clear and comfortable to use. However, it is not designed to work with files as OneDrive does. To process attachments users need to download a file, to change it, and to upload back. Documents are not synced locally and Odoo doesn't have powerful previewers and editors like Word or Excel. OneDrive doesn't have such disadvantages. This is the tool to integrate OneDrive features into your Odoo business work flow. The app automatically stores all Odoo attachments in OneDrive and provides an instant access to them via web links. In such a way users work with files comfortably in OneDrive, while the results are fully available in Odoo.

Synchronization is bilateral. All Odoo attachments are put in OneDrive regularly. OneDrive files create attachments in Odoo in case they are placed in a correct folder. Look at the sections From Odoo to OneDrive and From OneDrive to Odoo

Integration is automatic in both ways. Based on scheduled jobs, Odoo send attachments to OneDrive and retrieve files from there

Any Odoo document might be synced: customers, opportunities, sale or purchase orders, tasks or issues, employees or users, etc. You decide by your own which records should be in OneDrive, and which should be left in Odoo

Synchronization works for SharePoint sites, OneDrive for business, and personal OneDrive. In the first case the files are kept in preselected documents library, in the latter two – in a user' documents library

All synced files are easily accessible though clicking on an attachment. Odoo automatically redirects you to a file previewer. Among others it might be Word or Excel editors (if Office365 is set up). Besides, you might open a whole document folder by clicking on 'Open folder' on the attachment widget

All sync activities might be logged. Control over files and folders creations, moves, name changes and removals. Just turn on the option 'Log sync activities' and access history through the button 'Sync logs'

The tool is compatible with Odoo reporting and mailing apps. If such an app faces a synced file, it retrieves a real content from OneDrive. In particular, the reports 'always reload' feature and messages & mass mailing attachments work properly

Integration is based on a single user endpoint. It means that you should login in OneDrive only once. Afterwards for integrations Odoo would use that credentials disregarding an actual Odoo user. Make sure, however, that real Odoo users have an access to OneDrive to open URLs linked to their attachments

From Odoo to OneDrive

Direct synchronization has 2 prime aims:
  • Prepare and keep updated folders' structure in OneDrive
  • Upload new attachments to a correct folder

Odoo creates a convenient directory structure in OneDrive: Odoo / Document type name / Document name / Files, where:

  • Odoo is a central directory for Odoo Sync in your Drive.
  • Document type is a synced Odoo model, for example, 'Sale orders', 'Opportunities', 'Customers'
    • You select document types by yourself. It might be any document type
    • Moreover, you might have a few folders for a single document type. Use Odoo domains to have not global 'Partners, but 'Customers' and 'Suppliers', not just 'Sale orders' but 'Commercial offers', 'To deliver', and 'Done orders'
    • With each sync Odoo would try to update document types' folders. Add a new document type at any moment. It will appear in OneDrive with a next sync
    • You are welcome to introduce or change document types folder names at any moment in Odoo. Take into account: renaming in OneDrive will be recovered to Odoo names
    • If you remove a model from integration, it will not be deleted from OneDrive to keep already synced files safe. However, new documents of this type would not be synced
    • In case you removed a directory in OneDrive / SharePoint, but it is still configured in Odoo, with a next sync a folder structure is going to be recovered (not files, surely).
  • Document is an exact object to sync. For instance, 'Agrolait' or 'SO019'
    • Documents are synced in case they relate to a synced document type and satisfy its filters. For example, you are not obliged to sync all partners, you may integrate only 'Customers' and 'Vendors' or only 'Companies', not 'Contacts'
    • Odoo would generate a folder in OneDrive for each suitable document even for documents without attachments. It is needed for a backward sync to easily add new files
    • OneDrive folder name equals a real document name. It relies upon Odoo name_get method. Thus, Odoo 'Michael Fletcher' (a contact of 'Agrolait') would be OneDrive 'Agrolait, Michael Fletcher'
    • If an exact document changes its document type (e.g. a quotation is now confirmed), Odoo will automatically relocate its related folder to a proper parent directory (in the example: from 'Commercial offers' to 'To deliver')
    • In case a document relates to a few types (for instance, you have 'Vendors' and 'Customers', while Agrolait is both), this document folder would be put into the most prioritized document type. A document type priority is higher as closer to the top in Odoo interfaces it is
    • If an Odoo document is removed, the next sync will remove a corresponding OneDrive directory
    • In case you remove a directory in OneDrive / SharePoint, but it still exists in Odoo, OneDrive folder structure would be recovered (while files would be unlinked in both Odoo and OneDrive)
    • Folders renaming in OneDrive will be replaced with Odoo names, Odoo document names are more important
  • Files are real files taken from Odoo attachments

The resulted path would be, for example, 'Odoo / Quotations / SO019 / commercial offer.png'.

The only exclusion of the rule are stand alone attachments which do not relate to any Odoo documents (their document type is 'ir.attachment'). Such attachments' path is 'Odoo / Stand Alone Attachments / image.png'.

The very first sync might take quite a long, since a lot of folders should be created. Afterwards, it would be much faster. However, it is not recommended to make sync too frequent: once an hour seems quite good for large files.


With each direct sync, Odoo tries to find not yet synced attachments. If such attachments suit any document type to sync, a file will be uploaded to OneDrive to a proper folder. In Odoo such attachments will become of 'url' type. It means that a file is not any more kept in Odoo server space, but now it is in OneDrive. Until sync is done, Odoo attachment remains binary and stores an actual file. Such approach helps Odoo to work faster.

Clicking on such attachment leads you to a file previewer / editor in OneDrive. Depending on your OneDrive / SharePoint configurations it might be Word, Excel, PDF previewer, etc. Anyway changes to file contents in OneDrive are available in Odoo at the same moment.

If you unlinked an attachment from Odoo, it would be deleted in OneDrive as well.

Take into account that file names should be managed in OneDrive: each backward sync would recover OneDrive names, Odoo is here less important.

From OneDrive to Odoo

Backward integration aims to sync new files from OneDrive to Odoo:
  • If a new file is added to a proper document folder (e.g. to 'Odoo / Customers / Agrolait'), the same attachment will be added to Odoo document (in the example – to 'Agrolait')
  • In document folders you can put not only files but also child folders. In that case a link for this folder (not its content) is kept in attachments
  • In case you rename a file in OneDrive, it will be renamed in Odoo as well
  • Files' removal from OneDrive leads to related Odoo attachments' removal
  • If you move a file to another document folder, in Odoo a related attachment would be re-attached to this new document. Take into account: if you move a file for a not document folder, in Odoo attachment will be deleted as it has been removed from OneDrive
  • If you deleted a document type or document folder, their child files are deleted as well. Thus, Odoo would remove related attachments. The folders, however, will be recovered with a next direct sync. Folders' move to another directory is also considered as a removal. Avoid such situations by following the simple rule: folders are managed mostly by Odoo, files – mostly by OneDrive.

Misc peculiarities

  • Try to avoid the following symbols in folders' and files' names: *, ?, ", ', :, <, >, |, +, %, !, @, \, /,. Direct sync will replace such symbols with '-'. It is done to avoid conflicts with file systems.

Preliminary steps

The tool depends on external libraries 'microsoftgraph'. Install this library for your Odoo server through the command: pip install microsoftgraph-python

SharePoint sites

  1. Go to your Azure Portal and prepare a new application:
    • Grant the app full permissions for Office365 SharePoint online
    • Assign the reply url as [YOURODOOSITENAME]/one_drive_token (e.g.
    • Generate a new key. Keep it safely somewhere for the future use
  2. Go to your SharePoint site and prepare a new documents' library (drive). You might use one of the existing ones, e.g. 'Documents'. Odoo folder would be put there afterwards, and it would be impossible to move it for another library
  3. Go to Odoo general settings > Onedrive.
    • Copy 'Application ID' to 'App client_id'
    • Put a previously generated key to the field 'App secret key'
    • Enter the 'Redirect URL' as you entered 'Reply url' in Azure Portal
    • Check the boxes 'OneDrive for business' and 'Use sharepoint sites'
    • The SharePoint URL should be of the type https://[URL]/. The last '/' is required, sitename should not be included into. For example,
    • SharePoint site should be either my_site_name (in that case it is considered as sites/my_site_name) or sites/my_site_name (instead of 'sites' it might be 'teams' and so on). There should be no '/' at the beginning or at the end. For example, sites/odootools
    • As Documents Library use one created in SharePoint
  4. Press 'Save'
  5. Press 'Login and Confirm'. Odoo redirects you to Microsoft login page. Check in and grant permissions asked.
  6. After login, Microsoft redirects you back to Odoo. OneDrive – Odoo synchronization is ready to be done.

Create application in your Azure Portal

Azure application for OneDrive Sync

App's permissions

Onedrive app permissions

App's permissions

Onedrive app permissions for Odoo sync

Redirect url should be https://[yourodoosite]/one_drive_token

Odoo Onedrive redirect url

Generate a secret key

Onedrive Odoo secret key

Create a new SharePoint Documents Library

Sharepoint library for Odoo

Create a new SharePoint Documents Library

Sharepoint library for Odoo

Enter configuration keys in Odoo

Configure Odoo for Onedrive

Odoo attachments are ready for sync with Onedrive files. Press 'Sync to Onedrive' for the files upload

Odoo Onedrive configuration

Personal OneDrive and OneDrive for business

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'New registration'
  3. Introduce a new name for the application and assign the redirect URI as [YOURODOOSITENAME]/one_drive_token (e.g.
  4. Copy the Application Client ID to the Odoo field 'App client_id'
  5. Go to Certificates & secrets > Click 'New Client Secret'. Copy the secret value to the Odoo field 'App Secret Key'
  6. Press Save on the Odoo configuration Page
  7. Press 'Login and Confirm'. Odoo redirects you to Microsoft login page. Check in and grant permissions asked
  8. After login, Microsoft redirects you back to Odoo. OneDrive – Odoo synchronization is ready to be done.

Create OneDrive application

Odoo onedrive perosnal application

New OneDrive Web platform and redirect url

Onedrive redirect url

Generate new secret for your application

Odoo new OneDrive secret

Enter configuration keys in Odoo

Configure Odoo for Onedrive personal

Migration from the versions prior to the version 1.3.0

In case you decided to upgrade this module form the version prior to the version 1.3.0, you should:
  • Push the button 'Backward sync' (to make sure recent OneDrive changes are synced)
  • Push the button 'Reconnect' and log in Microsoft
  • Push the button 'Migrate from the version under 3.0'
  • Check / update synced models
  • Push the button 'Sync' to apply changes


Reconnection is required in 2 cases:
  • You use this tool with version prior to 1.2.0. In that case you should also install the library 'microsoftgraph'. Look above
  • You have not used the sync tool for more than 6 months
In both cases the token should be refreshed. To that goal:
  1. Press the button 'Reconnect'
  2. Press the button 'Login and confirm'

Scheduled jobs

You may change the frequency of sync jobs. To this end:
  1. Turn on debug mode
  2. Go to technical settings > Automation > Scheduled jobs
  3. Find the jobs 'Synchronize attachments with cloud' and 'Update attachments from cloud'

Frequently Asked Questions about OneDrive / SharePoint Odoo Integration Odoo v.10

The error "This item might have been deleted, expired, or you might not have permission to access it. Contact the owner of this item for more information." indicates that you are not logged in to the service

Yes, you can. To this end:

  1. Turn on debug mode

  2. Go to technical settings > Automation > Scheduled jobs

  3. Find the jobs 'Synchronize attachments with cloud' and 'Update attachments from cloud'.

Take into account that you should not make them too frequent. It is preferable this job is finished until a new one is started. Thus, the configuration should depend on how many items you to sync you have. Usually, the frequency is set up between 15 minutes to 4 hours.

Make also sure that you have set up enough time limits in your Odoo configuration file. Thus, LIMIT_TIME_CPU and LIMIT_TIME_REAL parameters should be equal or bigger than planned cron job time. Starting from the version 13 consider also the parameter LIMIT_TIME_REAL_CRON.

An import notice for clients: the maximum time for cron job might be set up as 15 minutes only.

No, this feature is available only from version 15. Prior to that version, the module works with the pre-defined structure of folders:

  1. Odoo - a core folder for sync

  2. Models - folders for each Odoo document type. For example, 'Projects', 'Partners'. Distinguished by domain there might be more specific folders: e.g., 'Customer 1 Projects', 'Projects of the Customer 2', 'Internal Projects', etc.

  3. Objects - folders for each document, e.g. 'Project 1' or 'Customer 1'

  4. Files and folders related to this Odoo document to be synced.

As a result you may have for instance:

  • Odoo / Projects / Project 1 / files and folders related to the  project 1

  • Odoo / Customer 1 Projects / Project 1; Odoo / Customer 2 Projects / Project 3, ...

  • Odoo / Customers / Customer 1 / files and folders related to the customer 1

This structure is always flat, meaning that there are only those levels of hierarchy. Thus, it is correct that various document types can't be done within the same structure. Within the folder 'Customer 1' we can't keep the files related both to sale orders, invoices, and projects. Each of those document type has an own (or a few own) folders. Otherwise, we will not have a chance to make backward synchronization, since there would be no criteria to rely upon.

The app assumes that the binary content of attachments is kept in Cloud Client instead of the Odoo server. So, such attachments in Odoo become of the URL type, and you may any time access them either from the attachments box or from the Cloud Client.

After the setup, no manual actions are required, as the synchronization is fully automatic. Just decide which Odoo document types should be synced and set up a related model to sync for each of those (Customers, Sale or Purchase Orders, Tasks, Projects, etc.).

Yes, you can. To that goal, prepare a rule for each, and then those apply filters: for example by type of a project.

Try to make filters self-exclusive in order a document can be definitely assigned. For instance, 'customer but not supplier', 'supplier but not customer'. Otherwise, a specific document folder would jump from one model to another.

No, the tool relies upon a single user end point. It means that all sync processes are done under a single cloud admin (app). Access rights for created folders / files are not automatized. You should administrate those rights in your cloud storage solution.

No. We have strong reasons to avoid real time sync:

  • Performance issues. In case a sync is real time, each file upload will result in the loading screen.

  • Conflict issues. If 2 users simultaneously change an item, it might lead to unresolved situations. In case of regular jobs we can fix it afterwards, while in case of real time we would need to save it as some queue, and it will be even more misleading for users.

  • Functionality issues. In particular, renaming and restructuring of items. In the backward sync the tool strictly relies upon directories' logic, and during each sync 100% of items are checked. In case it is done after each update, it will be thousands of requests per second. If not: changes would be lost.

No, the tool is only a technical core. You also need the connector for your cloud client.

Yes, although in case of many folders / attachments to sync, the process might be slow. Simultaneously, our clients reported to us the environments with >10k partners and ~5k product variants to be synced, and the processes were acceptable.

A few points to emphasize:

  1. The sync is constructed in such a way that anyway any item will be synced and will not be lost, although it might be not fast. It is guaranteed by first-in-first-out queues and by each job commits.

  2. The number of objects might be limited logically. The models' configuration let you restrict sync of obsolete items (e.g there is no sense to sync archived partners or orders which are done 2 years ago).

No, this feature becomes available only from version 15.

According to the current Odoo Apps Store policies:

  • every module bought for version 12.0 and prior gives you access to all versions up to 12.0.
  • starting from version 13.0, every module version should be purchased separately.
  • disregarding the version, purchasing a tool grants you a right to all updates and bug fixes within a major version.

Take into account that the faOtools team does not control those policies. For all questions, please contact the Odoo Apps Store representatives directly.

The easiest approach is to use the Odoo store built-in workflow:

1. Open the module's page and click the button Deploy on

2. After that, you will be redirected to the GitHub page. Login to your account and click 'Create a new repo' or use the existing one. Please, make sure, that your repository is private. It is not permitted to publish the apps under the OPL-1 license. If necessary, create a new repo for your project

3. Then, go to and click on the deploy button, submit the decision in the pop-up window and click 'Continue'. The action will trigger the installation process.

These steps will install the app for your project production branch. If you want to deploy the apps for other branches or update the module, you should undertake the following actions:

1. Upload the source code for the app from the Odoo store

2. Commit the module to a required GitHub repository. Make sure that none of the app folders/files are ignored (included in the .gitignore of your repo). Repositories are automatically created by, which might add by default some crucial items there (e.g. /lib). You should upload all module directories, subdirectories, and files without exceptions

3. Deploy a target branch of the project or wait until it is automatically built if your settings assume that.

  1. Unzip the source code of the purchased tools in one of your Odoo add-ons' directories;

  2. Re-start the Odoo server;

  3. Turn on the developer mode (technical settings);

  4. Update the apps' list (the apps' menu);

  5. Find the app and push the button 'Install';

  6. Follow the guidelines on the app's page if those exist.

Yes, sure. Take into account that Odoo automatically adds all dependencies to a cart. You should exclude previously purchased tools.

A red/orange warning itself does not influence features of the app. Regretfully, sometimes our modules do not pass standard automatic tests, since the latter assumes behavior which is in conflict with our apps goals. For example, we change price calculation, while standard Odoo module tests compare final price to standard algorithm.

So, first of all, please check deployed database features. Does everything work correctly?

If you still assume that warning influences real features, please contact us and forward full installation logs and the full lists of deployed modules (including core and third party ones).

Regretfully, we do not have a technical possibility to provide individual prices.

No, third party apps can not be used on Odoo Online.

Yes, all modules marked in dependencies are absolutely required for a correct work of our tool. Take into account that price marked on the app page already includes all necessary dependencies.  

The price for our modules is set up in euros. The Odoo store converts prices in others currencies according to its internal exchange rate. Thus, the price in US Dollars may change, when exchange rate changes.

Bug reporting

In case you have faced any bugs or inconsistent behavior, do not hesitate to contact us. We guarantee to provide fixes within 60 days after the purchase, while even after this period we are strongly interested to improve our tools.

No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.

Please include in your request as many details as possible: screenshots, Odoo server logs, a full description of how to reproduce your problem, and so on. Usually, it takes a few business days to prepare a working plan for an issue (if a bug is confirmed) or provide you with guidelines on what should be done (otherwise).

Public features requests and module ideas (free development)

We are strongly motivated to improve our tools and would be grateful for any sort of feedback. In case your requirements are of public use and might be efficiently implemented, the team would include those in our to-do list.

Such a to-do list is processed on a regular basis and does not assume extra fees. Although we cannot promise deadlines and final design, it might be a good way to get desired features without investments and risks.

No phone number or credit card is required to contact us: only a short email sign up which does not take more than 30 seconds.

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